How Dr.Log works?
Visualize and analyze your data with dashboards. Create insightful Data to track your Patient details.
- Manage and Track Your Patients' Details.
- Make notes on every patient.
- Download the logs of every patient details.
- Edit logs of the patients' details
- Create your own custom form
- collaborate and share with others.

Options and Features
- create or add new entries.
- Archive the patients.
- Delete the patients.
- Maintain the patients Records
- You can see and maintain the history of the patients
Create New Patients
- Select the Add new Patient.
- Fill the patient Details inside the input field
- Click create Button to update the patient

- Maintain Your own profile.
- Add your experience and education.
- Edit button will help you to edit your profile
- Download or print your own profile
Add notes
Add notes on every patient. and maintain the log Details to keep track of every patient
- Pre-op tab will be used to make a note on preparation for a surgical operation.
- surgery tab will be used to make notes on surgery
- post-op tab will be used to make a note on after the surgical operation.
- Follow-up tab will be used to maintain the further records

Create Custom Form
Create your custom form. you can add or remove the input field according to your convenience.
- Drag the input field from the right side.
- Arrange the input field.
- You can also edit the name of input field by clicking the edit option
- Click the save button to update
Give us Feedback
Feedback is an essential part of effective learning. It helps Dr Log team to understand the improvement areas and gives them clear guidance on how to improve the system.